Troubled families

Troubled Families is a multi-agency initiative aimed at pooling the resources of key public bodies to help families with multiple and complex problems. Think Family is the approach used by the Troubled Families programme to encourage services to deal with families as a whole, rather than responding to each problem, or person, separately. The Troubled Families Team are key workers that work with the Families in Focus Team focusing on domestic violence, parenting, young people, anti-social behaviour and employment. They work closely with police, health services, job centres and schools to create intensive, tailor-made interventions. Those families have been identified via the Think Family Database through meeting two of the following six issues:

  1. Parents and children involved in crime or anti-social behaviour;
  2. Children not attending school regularly;
  3. Children who need help;
  4. Adult out of work or a risk of financial exclusion and young people at risk of worklessness;
  5. Families affected by domestic violence and abuse;
  6. Parents and children with a range of health problems. 

The approach focuses on the root causes of issues and changes for the whole family while providing support tailored to their needs.

This involves working with families to agree a package of support best suited to their particular situation and building on family strengths. Practitioners work in partnerships with families recognising and promoting resilience and helping them to build their capabilities