How to use this site
Use this site to find all the information in the Joint Multi-Agency Guidance to the Think Family Approach
Read MoreThe Think Family Approach has been designed to help professionals working with parents whose complex needs impact on their ability to care for the children around them. Use this resource to find specific guidance, related policies, and learn more about working in partnership across Children and Adults Services in Bristol.
This site contains all the information contained within the Joint Multi-Agency Guidance to the Think Family Approach produced by the Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership. You can read the full guidance document or the accompanying flowchart here: Think Family Guidance.
We think that this approach is vital to all the professionals in Bristol who work with children and young people, families, and adults with care and support needs. As the full guidance is a substantial document we want to make it possible for you to access the exact guidance and information you need quickly and easily.
If you are looking for guidance around a specific issue that you may encounter, such as Young Carers or Disabled Parents, visit the Specific Guidance section.
For more information about how to work in a joined up, multi-agency way, read the Working in Partnership page which explains the legal framework to the partnership approach and provides an outline of how Children and Adults services can work together (including how to make referrals).
The Learn About.. page contains useful information that can inform your practice, including around understanding risk, capacity, and parents who find it difficult to engage.
Continue reading the rest of the Introduction pages to find out about the research and principles of good practice that underpin the Think Family approach. We hope you find this site useful, and please contact Keeping Adults Safe or Keeping Children Safe with any questions about strategic safeguarding arrangements.
Site Navigation
Introduction Provides overview of information on the Think Family Approach and how to use this site to access the information you need quickly and easily
- How to use this site
- Think Family Approach
Full Guidance Read the full guidance and accompanying flowchart
Working in Partnership Information for practitioners working across agencies
- Partnership approach
- Legal framework
- Role of Lead Professional
- Referrals
- Confidentiality and Information sharing
- Troubled Families Initiative
- Supervision and Training
- Children's Services
- Adult Services
Specific guidance Tailored guidance for use with specific issues
- Mental Health
- Substance Misuse
- Disabled Parents
- Young Carers
- Prisoners
Learn about... Helps to provide context and advice in broad areas
- Parenting Capacity
- ACEs
- Understanding Risk
- Difficult to engage parents
- Capacity and Competency