Capacity and Competency
Understand the legislation around capacity and competency
A simple definition for parenting capacity that needs to be applied when making a decision and conducting an assessment is: "the ability to parent in a good enough manner long term" (Conley, 2003)
According to a survey of practitioners' perceptions of 'good enough' parenting contained four elements, these were:
From the same survey, risky parenting was associated with:
Children and young people’s views should always be sought. As children develop and mature, they will generally become more able to participate in decision-making and start to make some decisions about their own care and support even before the age of 16. Specialised legal or safeguarding advice should be sought in complex situations relating to consent and young people and information sharing.
In cases where children are considered to have the necessary maturity and understanding to make the decision in question for themselves, they are often referred to as being ‘Gillick competent’. Where children are Gillick competent and have the capacity to make decisions their views should be respected in the same way as an adult’s request for confidentiality. This means that confidential information may only be disclosed without the child or young person’s consent if this can be justified, for example, there is a legal requirement to do so or there is reasonable cause to suspect that the child or young person is suffering, or at risk of suffering, significant harm.
(for Codes of Practice click here)
All people aged 16 and over, in England and Wales, are presumed, in law, to have the capacity (ability) to make decisions in their life, unless you establish a reasonable belief that they lack the mental capacity to do so.
The two-stage functional test of capacity
In order to decide whether an individual lacks the capacity to make a particular decision, you must answer two questions:
Stage 1: Is there an impairment of or disturbance in the functioning of a person’s mind or brain?
This impairment/disturbance could be anything from dementia, brain injury, learning difficulty or a mental disorder, to someone being drunk, on drugs, or having a UTI which is causing them to be confused.
When you look at the ‘Diagnostic stage’ (Stage 1) you should be recording what the impairment/disturbance is, how you know, when it was diagnosed, who diagnosed it.
Stage 2: Is the impairment or disturbance sufficient that the person lacks the capacity to make a particular decision?
This is also called the ‘Functional Test’ and although you are not ‘testing’ the person, you are providing them with information and establishing a reasonable belief on the balance of probabilities that they either can, or cannot do the following: -
If you have a reasonable belief that the person is unable to do one of these four stages then the person lacks the ability to make this particular decision.
Points to remember
Who Assesses Capacity?
The Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice says that the decision maker is the person who is proposing to take an action in relation to the care or treatment of an adult who lacks capacity, or is contemplating making a decision on behalf of that person.
So, if you are supporting someone to make a decision within your field of expertise, then you would be the best placed individual to see if the person in question lacked mental capacity. So, for example, a GP would be assessing for capacity around medication; a Surgeon around consent to surgery; a Dentist assesses for dental treatment; an Adult Social Worker decisions around finance, care and accommodation; a Children’s Social Worker decisions around a parent signing a section 20 agreement under the Children’s Act.
Lack of Capacity
When a person has been assessed as lacking capacity to make a particular decision, interventions can be made in the person’s best interests using the Best Interests Checklist as set out in the MCA Code of Practice (for further details click here). In urgent situations where the person lacks capacity and there is imminent, serious risk/danger to the person, an emergency application can be made to the Court of Protection.
It is worth considering that even when a person has capacity but is an Adult at Risk and there is serious risk/danger to the person, the relevant agency could approach the High Court for appropriate legal authority to intervene.