Many young carers value their caring roles and are often proud of the contribution

they are able to make in their families. All too often, however, children and young people become carers because someone in their family has significant unmet care needs arising from ill health, disability, mental health needs or substance misuse. In some cases young carers have taken responsibility, sometimes assuming a level of responsibility that no child should be expected to take on. This can have consequent knock-on effects on schooling and other key areas of their lives. 

Young carers are entitled to an assessment of their needs separate from the needs of the person for whom they are caring states that services should adopt a “whole family approach” The Young Carers’(Needs Assessment) Regulations 2015. This means that children’s and adult services must have arrangements in place to ensure that no young person’s life is unnecessarily restricted because they are providing significant care to an adult with an identifiable community care need”. For services to provide effective support for young carers and their families, it is vital that all members of staff working with them begin with an inclusive, wide-ranging and holistic approach that considers the needs of:

  • the adult or child in need of care;
  • the child who may be caring; and
  • the family.

For advice and support for carers in Bristol telephone 0117 965 220 or visit:

You can contact the Carers Support Centre using their online form.